Facebook Karma Restriction

It all began, when our client invited too many likes at once.

And then he noticed that the likes stopped going up and it was because of this message:

I immediately contacted my rep at Facebook and got it lifted in two hours.

Hi Elchanan,

This is xxxx xxxx with Facebook ad support!

Your client got hit by a karma restriction. We measure how frequently each user can take some action. If some user starts taking the same action, e.g. changing status, inviting people, liking, tagging people in a photo, mentioning people, etc., too much and too quickly, it’s probably spam – You will get captchas or temporary blocks. The karma restriction is simply an ad hoc block

However we have cleared karma for the user. Your only need to be aware that similar behavior might bring him/her to be sentry restricted again.

I’m so glad we got that figured out. If you have a moment after our chat wraps up, you’ll be getting a survey. We value your input, if you could fill it out I’d appreciate it!”


Global Marketing Solutions Facebook

Search3w Social Media Services

We help top fortune 500 businesses to enhance their brand and products on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+. Our social media services begin with developing a customized strategy that is specific to your business and your target audience. Like our custom SEO strategies, a social media strategy must be tailored to your niche, your market and your business in order to be successful. Our professional expertice is understanding your business and your target audience.  The key factor to the success of our social media optimization services is building a strong web presence for your business.

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