Possum did Good for Pedini USA

The Google update named “Possum” helped Pedini USA.

Possum is a major algorithm update on Google places / maps.

Many companies lost their position on top 3 maps pack. For Pedini USA, it was the opposite.

What is Possum Update?

Possum is a word from the early 17th century: shortening of opossum.

As per Google’s update called “Possum”, Google is now filtering based on address and affiliation.
Many webmasters noticed that a lot of businesses filtered out due to the address of the business being the same as another listing.
For more details, please refer to http://searchengineland.com/everything-need-know-googles-possum-algorithm-update-258900

Activating Possum algorithm, Google will filter out duplicate listings, giving more chance to be ranked on A, B and C position.

Also, businesses that have physical location and was out of the zip zone – are now in the local maps again.

This is huge change and many believe (include myself) Google is doing A/B test.