Banning due multilingual version of website

Search3w: Dear Mr. Panini,


1. When it happened?
2. What have you recently did or changed?
3. Why do you think it banned?

You can find some answers for common ban issues here:

Panini: Dear Martin,

As requested you can find here more details related to our problem:

1. When it happened? It happened in March 2007 when we dismissed the old website and launched the new one (as it appears now). Google ranked the domain www.***.it but not the main one www.***.com.

The .com domain was previously ranked in Google but then banned. In June 2007 we also presented the multilingual version of our website.

2. What have you recently did or changed? We are trying to optimize contents and metatags (title, keyword, description) for search engine optimization but the problem of www.***.com still remains (banned).

3. Why do you think it banned? We are very confused since the website is well structured and we keep updating contents.

Thanks again for your help

Best Regards


Search3w: The multilingual version is defiantly the reason. Are you sure all your sites are happily grasping in Google meadow?!

This is typical Google filter for months now, so they’re not banning related sites (checked by whois data similarity, too many cross links, etc),
what they do is, if you have, and domains they will show only were the other two and sites are “transferring their juice” (jargon, read nice explanation here: to

Don’t be so sure your sites are banned, they just boosted another site of yours. This is exactly what BLOGS are for.

You also hit the “Google canonical filter” which even BMW has been banned in the past (here:, from the same reason: Doing wrong with their multiple sites targeting different languages.

Panini, use my analysis and learn how to optimize your sites for Multilingual & International SEO. Do it right and within 6 weeks you are on the road again.

If you have any questions regarding the subject, please contact us.

Best Regards,


Martin Elchanan Rotstain, CEO
“We help the Web find you”
Toll Free: (888) 809-9012 ext 704

“With me being CEO of a search engine optimization and marketing company that has increased sales dramatically for some of the most competitive verticals out there I can tell you that Elchanan is a trust worthy and white hat SEO. It is very hard to find a ‘trust worthy’ SEO and PPC company now days or I should say it’s hard to tell who is legit if your not experienced with it. You will get companies that will guarantee you top rankings for $X amount of dollars, but from my business experience and business relations with Elchanan I can tell you that he is not one of them con-artist.”