Google Connect Event Schedule

By now you have registered to the Google Connect Event on Wednesday September 28, 2016.

We are happy to share with you the exact schedule for this event.

11:30 – Registration. Welcome coffee/tea and Muffins.

12:00 (sharp) –  Live Presentation 1: Tim Reis, Director of Performance at Google Inc.

  • Why removing friction from customer experiences leads to better conversion
  • The evolution of mobile consumer behaviors and expectations over time

12:20 –  Live Presentation 2. David Chung, Mobile Site Transformer

  • “What happens after the click”
  • Core principles of superior user experiences
  • The business impact of load time on mobile, readiness and how to improve it

12:40 – 13:30 Networking Session

  • Questions & Answers – Elchanan Rotstain, Google Engineer and Partner
  • How Google Partners can support businesses
  • Industry-specific statistics and a customer success story

Parking: We can accommodate four cars in our parking lot. We recommend using the TTC Glencairn which is 3 minutes, walking.

See you there!