I pay too much for AdWords Pay Per Click Advertising

Q: I pay too much for AdWords Pay Per Click Advertising, and want to convert it to natural/organic search results.

A: Site Analysis
You are using Yahoo Store shopping cart. Y!store is not giving you real SEO solutions

Read more about Yahoo Store SEO here.

The Solution
(1) Login Yahoo Editor and edit Object properties Headline, Custom properties and add the missing Search Engine Optimization elements.

(2) Replace built-in yahoo Site-Search/search-box with better site search solution that integrates with your Yahoo Merchant database.

(3) Improve site navigation, searchability and accesability on your Y!store website.

(4) Use Analytic Tools helps you to understand better your visitors and their behavior. We mean organic and PPC.

(5) Verify Y!store website and add generate Google Sitemaps.

(6) Submit free XML Feed to Google Sitemaps.


Search3w advantaged over the competitors is SEO for the mass: Thousands of keywords published on thousands of web pages links to each other using the “MIT’s Ring Theory” practice.
Check around to find many Google top ten Y! Store sites are doing that – y! store clients and more.

Products like “static site wizard” will solve the Yahoo Store Catalog dynamic content publishing problems. Guarantee.

Fill the form here to get visual sample and live demonstration .