What is Web Awareness?
Web Awareness represents the number of search results for searching your domain, company or brand name. Use “.com” or full brand name if your name is too broad (e.g. ice). In the following sample Flatrate Movers web awareness score is 116,000.
Is it useful?
This is a very useful way to compare competitors. Let’s build quick excel sheet and drop the information in. As you can see the graph indeed reflects the company’s size. You can also compare branches, locations or divisions in your firm using Web Awareness techniques! For instance we can compare flatrate los angeles (1,130,00) against flatrate Miami (75,700) and flatrate Florida (131,000). What do you think now? Is it useful for Google relevancy system or not?
How do I increase my Web Awareness?
It’s very simple to increase Web Awareness if you will follow these steps: