What happened to my ranking on Google? – Act now




Google patent – According to the patent, as Action (“Do”), Information (“Know”) or Navigation (“Go”) model comes up a lot in the document and is a pretty useful structure for understanding search in general. Relevance is determined by intent – if a query is clearly action-oriented (e.g. “buy computer”), then only an Action (”Do”) result can be highly relevant.

Easy steps to fix it – Review website’s content and make sure these three phrases can be found on the pages within two clicks away. Contact us for more details.


Microdata – The time has come for you to learn more about Schema.org new metatags.

Easy steps to fix it – D2S clients can ask us to opt-in this module.


Brand links.

Easy steps to fix it – Add one more anchor text to your off-page portfolio: Your Domain or Brand Name. Contact us for more details.


Google’s “Freshness” Update – The change builds on top of its previous “Caffeine” update (more details at http://www.search3w.com/google-uncover/google-secret-new-engine-code-name-caffeine/ ) in order to deliver more up-to-date and relevant search results. Google says that the new algorithm knows that different types of searches have different freshness needs, and weighs them accordingly. For example, a search for a favorite recipe posted a few years ago may still be popular enough to rank highly.

Easy steps to fix it – D2S clients can ask us to optimize this factor within the pages D2S publishes. Non-D2S clients have to call us for a plan.


Facebook comments.

Easy steps to fix it – Having real people visible asking questions on your site via Facebook is a massive trust metric and can make very positive impacts on your conversion rate. Try putting a Facebook Like box somewhere on a sales page and watch conversions skyrocket.

How? – Install Facebook Comment Social Plugins http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=1068 on every website page.


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