Beware of cheap, low quality SEO deals

I got this email message. Not just me. Several of my clients forwarded to me asking me what to do. Well, if you believe $150 can do the miracle – It is your right to be banned by Google 🙂
Honestly the list is good. You can get high position with Google if you follow this list with these three rule:

  • Do it on right Places
  • Do it on the right Quantity
  • Do in the right Pace.

Hi There,

SEO is dead as we know it. The old mathematics of increased back links and stuffing keywords is now a target for Google to identify your site and bury it in the search results.

SEO is no longer a mathematics problem, it’s a human one. Social indicators are becoming key to Ranking and link algorithms are being retired. It’s time for you to see the truth about SEO and adjust accordingly.

So, here we got a customized Internet Marketing Proposal for you.

Here below is the content marketing activities “Monthly Task and responsibilities”

1. 200 Press Release Submissions (20 press release x 10 press release websites)
2. 20 Press releases, 400+ words written
3. 5 Unique Articles will be written
4. 5 Web 2.0 Properties will be made
5. 5 Unique “how to Articles” will be written
6. 5 Face book Pages will be created
7. 5 Twitter channels will be created
8. Will increase twitter followers
9. 1 You tube channel will be created
10. 10 you tube videos will be created by (paid)
11. Will likes, shares, tweets, reddits, and 1+ in order to get natural backlinks
12. Anchor text diversity (will not use exact keywords for back links).
13. Will get Natural back links by link worthy articles
14. Will draft & submit 5 articles to
15. Will create Google+ page for your business
16 Will distribute 15 post daily via Google+ Page
17. Will participate in Forum
18. Will create blog for your website
19. Will make 1 post daily on your blog
20. Will bookmark real content to leading 150 Social Book marking sites as digg, delicious
I was wondering if you would be interested in getting Customized Internet Marketing Plan done for your website.

Warm Regards,