Since past two months we are closely observing major search engines changes. Yes, its XMAS and changes are all around Ranking algorithms, pay-per-click bidding changes and many new features.
The following paragraph will shortly describe these changes for Google engine (unless else mentioned) and its influence on your business. Since each of the changes is huge by itself, which is the subject of this e-mail, the latter will be described more in detail. Stay tune to new BLOG posts here.
The facts
Updates, dancing and PageRank updates.
Google claims for a year on their intention to shoveling major updates (with scary names like bigDaddy) to smaller more frequent updates resulting in no public noise for each major update and keep shareholders happier. As of May 20th, PageRank updates occur every 20 to 120 days. BackLinks updates are no longer called this way anymore as BackLinks are updated continuously every 20 days. I definitely sure Google doing Algorithm Updates – a major update in the Ranking algorithm that causes a large position changes like the one they did at Jan 25, 2007 called Googlebomb Impact update
Paid Links and Google Hell
The SEM community (which I’m sitting in its research committee) was like humming bees after Forbes article (here ) about Google Hell or its Supplemental Index marker. Matt Cutts, Google official response is here and one the souls in the story refused by Search3w as we determine he’s using wrong methods.
I still believe links tempo, among links neighborhood is the hidden trick that distinguishes between good and bad link campaign.
The buzz didn’t stop there and new paid links filter was disclosed. Search3w is working now with our link partners to develop new link paradigm that fits Google changes.
Yet another BackLinks synonym to calculate a back links weight.
New patents.
I find it pretty scary the new patent numbers filed by Google. You can’t ignore them as I always said if they published, they already put in practice. Here are some:
1. System and method for searching and recommending documents in a collection using share bookmarks
New features.
Google keep testing new features, buying more companies and releasing beta products developed by engineers spare time. Each of them needs to be examined how it can help our clients. Want to hear one? Call 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411) and see why is so important to be on top local A-B-C results.
Google Local.
Google Local Formula is well known to our engineers. It’s straightforward… Just follow the 10 steps we guide you to be located on the A-B-C top results within 6 weeks!
E-mail and Affiliate marketing.
Search3w joined with two companies that can help you filling this gap. Call us for more information.
Amazing how many changes can happen in only few months. Here are some of the changes we need to focus on:
1. Google Pay-per-action and Cross-channel campaigns.
2. New Google Analytics Reports!
3. new MSN adCenter (new change releases every month)
4. new Yahoo Panama (new change releases every month)
5. Vertical search providers like 7search, bravenet and more.
The actions
Search3w clients benefit from using our experience to deliver effective SEM within the context of the business strategy. This means that we will be very busy in May/June getting theory is put into practice so clients experience real and measurable improvements to their business.
As a client you will see the change everywhere: Analytic Reports, Replacing paid links with limited value (they was okay in the past!) with better ones and much more.
Good business starts with a conversation and we are always happy to talk. Email [email protected] or call (888) 809-9012 ext 704.
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