Source: with my conclusions.
Google issuing a widespread PageRank update penalizing sites suspected of participating in link buying or selling. As you can imagine, the reaction from the search engine optimization community has been something of an angry frenzy. Anyone who read Search Engine Land’s post on October 7th heralding that Google would lower the PageRank for those suspected of selling links shouldn’t have been surprised when they woke up two weeks later and saw a shorter green bar in their browser, but most never saw it coming.
PageRank Algorithm Update
Site owners across the Web will remember October 24, 2007 as the day Google lowered their PageRank, with a large number of site owners reporting significant drops. Early rumors were that the PageRank update was a direct attack by Google to lower the value of sites that buy and sell links. Search Engine Land’s list included names like The Washington Post, Forbes, Engadget, Problogger, Herald and plenty more. Not surprisingly, site owners were angry. Bloggers expressed their frustration with Google’s attack on PageRank. One wrote that Google had used the PageRank hammer, while others opted for the more dramatic Google Declares Jihad on Links.The day after the drop, webmasters were still reeling as Forbes declared that Google had scared the search crowd. There were even exaggerated reports that DigitalPoint members were being put on a suicide watch after watching their sites tank.
What Does This Google PageRank Message Mean?
Many offering up a theory as to why some sites were hit and others were spared in a post entitled How Does Google Determine Which Sites Sell Links? In the latter post, Barry Schwartz wondered if perhaps Google had some help identifying paid links due to site owners outing each other and using the paid link reporting tool released in June.Additional community members offered insight like 5 Things You Can Do With Your New PageRank and The Oracle of Mountain View, while others simply made fun of the mass hysteria with PageRank Victim Badges and PageRank: LOLCats Style.
Confirming the Penalty
On October 29, we finally received confirmation that the update site owners were seeing in PageRank was, in fact, a penalty. Senior Google Engineer Matt Cutts emailed Loren Baker of Search Engine Journal to let him know that the Google PageRank update that had occurred was a result of Google’s campaign against those buying and selling links to influence PageRank.
What does it mean to you?
Search3w as a company did all to ensure our clients are not classified and filtered out by Google updates.
The last 6 months Search3w team synergetic work hard to replace all our clients’ links and to move them to a better spots, far away from Google radar.Even if you lost PageRank and your incoming links are down in drain (might be possible) it’s not the end of the world.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Have I lost business in the last two weeks?
2. Am I still on Google Organic 1st page as before?
My opinion is that Google XMAS update has not been finished yet. US dollar is weak, Google shares is rocketing high, and they want to keep their not be evil motto especially for THE shopping time. From mid November to the first week of December look closely at your ranking formula again and examine its results.