Want an easy Google PageRank 9 ranking? No problem.
What do do?
On the right side of Google Portal Bookmarks window, click “edit”. Fill in your site, and favorites keywords in the “give it a name”. Click Add. Repeat it for other sites you might have, your BLOGS, and to me https://www.search3w.com 🙂 Click “Save”. You done.
What if I can’t see this screen?
You should have Google Account to access Google Bookmarks and use this service.
One Warning – I cannot guarantee the Google PageRank 9 trick is working. Some said it is, so why no giving it a try?
What is PageRank? PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a page’s importance from the votes cast for it. How important each vote is is taken into account when a page’s PageRank is calculated.