Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is amongst the most strategic growth levers a business can utilize in order to grow and publicize a business through proper acquisition strategy handling.
Many are familiar with the varying types of growth frameworks such as AARRR (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue). Just as the order places it, acquisition is where it essentially all begins. Everything virtually starts by getting your prospects familiar with your services and products by getting their visits to your app or site. Search3w for the past decade successfully leads relevant customer traffic through Google searches to reach clients’ top sites—but how can you strategically gain more users for an app?
Just as SEO is a vital method to gain relevant website visits and customer acquisition, user acquisition (UA) is the most effective method to gain targeted app users.
A well-developed and utilized user acquisition is a vital strategy in gaining an enlarged app user basis. Without a specific strategy, one is left to guess where to turn and what is practical and will miss vital opportunities to convert users into customers with optimized and well-planned campaigns.
In this blog article, we will take a good look at why user acquisition is so important and how you can maximize your UA strategy.
What is “user acquisition?”
By definition, user acquisition, (also known as UA) is a method of gaining new app and platform users. For mobile devices, user acquisition is a common strategy in generating more app installs, this is usually achieved through advertisements and promotional deals.

Why is UA so Important?
One of the vital core goals of mobile application install campaigns is attracting new users and achieving new installments: due to this exact reason, online app advertisers require effective user acquisition strategies in order for their apps to flourish.
The key tool in finding and converting new app users is nothing less than user acquisition. Undoubtedly, a successful and effective user acquisition strategy can result in a boom of app downloads which can optimistically result in the app’s app store ranking (the number of installs an app has a heavy influence on the app store algorithm.
Effective UA strategy is an important cornerstone in organic installs occurring without ad influences or any other sort of marketing efforts.
So how can I maximize my UA strategy?
Digital marketing via media channels (paid media) is a method of showing media users ads to stimulate an interested user reaction and to prompt an immediate reaction—such as appealing to users to install a certain app. An example of paid online marketing could include social media adjust ads and targeted banners that may appeal to future customers.
The following is the common strategy that essentially takes place throughout the course of every application advertising campaign: marketers experience heavy reliance from app developers to publish their ads in varying formats such as videos, GIFs, local ads, or banners spread out throughout app stores and other platforms. Users may see an app ad, possibly find interest, engage, and download the app. This is an active technique for driving non-organic app installs.
Why is paid user acquisition vital for application growth? Non-organic-based installations, stimulated by performance marketing and DSPs (Digital System Processing), are crucial guarantees that can substantially add to the app’s quality. Additionally, high-quality users are products of paid user acquisition, and those who will achieve more in-app events may generate more profit. The underline point is that user acquisition can heavily improve the app’s user traffic quantity, as well as the all-around
How can Search3w help my business grow?
- SEO Audit – Commonly, many make the strategic marketing mistake of presenting their business as they perceive it in the real world. Our team of professionals research the market in order to appropriately determine what specifically your prospects are searching for and what will stimulate them to interact with your website.
- Digital media action – Now that we have the foundations in place and depending on your budget and our deadline, we’ll begin funnelling prospect traffic into your site using:
- Fix Website Conversion – The number of traffic users is worthless if your website doesn’t hold the capability in converting this traffic in customers. Thats why we utilize all our tools and years of professional experience in helping you convert your prospect traffic into an interactive customer basis.
- Reports, analyze and redo – Every month we are required to analyze the reports and replan new strategies to help you and your business grow in success and subsequent profits. Your competitors could now only sit and watch as they lose traffic to the new player in the field!