Search3w Soft Belly Tactic

Today I will explain how Search3w’s famous Soft Belly Tactic is working.

We have developed this tactic for some clients asking us to be ranked on Top 3 of Google “whatever it takes”.

Project Name:

SEM (Search Engines Marketing) Study

Step 1 – Sources & Disclaimer

The research projections are based on the Google ranking system as of {recent Google update}.
The Google ranking system is subject to daily change without notice. Therefore we can only say that the projections are accurate as of {recent Google update}.
We guarantee best effort, not fixed results. Acroterion Inc. (Search3w) reserves the right to withdraw its submission with written 30 days notice.

Step 2 – The Research

We start with a keyword research using several great tools and output a Shared Google Excel worksheet which we are purifying.
Then, we are sorting & splitting the excel sheet into several “niches” tabs.
Brainstorming – The team and client are adding comments to the shared document.

Step 3 – Understanding The Research

This phase is starting with KEI Study following an “How to become Authority” presentation.

Step 4 – Top 12 Search Terms

After the presentation from the previous phase, clients will provide Top 12 Search Terms they wish ranked on Top 3.
Base on two studies we determine “How many clicks do I get for top 3 position for each of these keywords”?

Sample Output:

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 12.53.53 PM

Step 5 – What does it takes to get there?

  1. We sorted the top 8 PageRank/MOZ data factors and assigned a weight to each of them; ‘8’ is the most important factor and ‘1’ is the least important.
  2. We gathered the competitors data using commercial spying and “reverse engineering” methods to gather all the public data available, and then applied statistical metrics. This is how we decide “the place we want to go”.
  3. We aggregated competitors efforts since 1993 and analyzed them to produce a “how much {your company} can deploy SEO per month” dominator.
  4. Complex mathematical formulas are implemented to produce a compound metric from the PageRank/MOZ factors to determine the point “where {your company} is now”.
  5. Now, we draw a graph from “where {your company} is now to “the place we want to go” which is the top 3 position and then find the break even point. It happens X months from now, as our research department predicted.

Step 6 – The plan for executives

What does it takes to be on top 3? – A simple chart showing efforts – months axis.

Sample Output:


Step 7 – The Soft Belly Plan

This chart not just demonstrating The Efforts That We Need to invest in the plan, but where to focus. We are calling it The Soft Belly Plan. This chart complies all the above six steps into handy “mountain landscape” where we can visually see the hills and the valleys. We call the hills “Hard Sting” and the valleys “Easy Sting”

The Soft Belly Live Presentation

Video Length: 49 seconds.

Step 8 – Social Media Plan

Using top social media analyzers we compare the competitors efforts on G+, facebook and Twitter to predict required “mentions” to win the Google signal game.
We cannot disclose more details at this time (at our IP attorney’s directive).

Step 9 – Plan in Details

We cannot disclose more details at this time (at our IP attorney’s directive), but nonetheless, here is a sample “big picture” output:

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